Transport of Dangerous Goods

Transport of Dangerous Goods

The transport and interim storage of Dangerous Goods is heavily regulated in Australia through Federal and State Government requirements.

The Australian Code for the Transport of Dangerous Goods by Road & Rail (ADG Code) sets out the requirements for transporting dangerous goods by road or rail.

It is important that everyone involved in transporting dangerous goods understands their responsibilities to help prevent and reduce damage to people, property, and the environment.

The relevant Acts and Regulations cover a myriad of requirements for the safe transport of Dangerous Goods, including:

    • Classification of Dangerous Goods
    • Packaging requirements
    • Requirements for Bulk Containers and Freight Containers
    • Marking and Placarding
    • Segregation of DGs
    • Operating procedures for Transfer of DGs
    • Documentation requirements
    • Safety Equipment and Precautions
    • Emergency responsibilities of drivers

In NSW, there are also restrictions on the passage of dangerous goods through tunnels and other overbridges.

If an incident occurs and SafeWork NSW or the NSW RMS investigations find faults or non-compliances under the relevant dangerous goods codes, heavy fines and possible jail terms for directors of companies are possible.

Hence, it is imperative that any business, particularly those that move dangerous goods, seek professional advice to ensure that compliant dangerous goods plans, procedures, and practices are in place.

Contact the AIDGC or select an accredited consultant from our website to assist you in the safe carriage of Dangerous Goods or to audit your site or transport arrangements to ensure compliance and peace of mind.


PO Box 461 Crows Nest NSW 1585

1300 205 518

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