Class 5 - Oxidizing Substances And Organic Peroxides

Class 5 – Oxidizing Substances And Organic Peroxides

Class 5 is divided into two divisions as follows:

Division 5.1: Oxidizing Substances

Substances which, while not necessarily combustible themselves, may cause or contribute to the combustion of other materials by yielding oxygen. Such substances may be contained in an article, for example.

Division 5.2: Organic Peroxides

Organic substances containing the bivalent -O-O- structure, considered derivatives of hydrogen peroxide, where one or both hydrogen atoms have been replaced by organic radicals. Organic peroxides are thermally unstable and may undergo exothermic self-accelerating decomposition. They may also:

  1. Be liable to explosive decomposition;
  2. Burn rapidly;
  3. Be sensitive to impact or friction;
  4. React dangerously with other substances;
  5. Cause damage to the eyes.

Class 5 substances are identified by Class 5 labels and the Class 5 designation in any Safety Data Sheet.

Division 5.1

Division 5.1: Oxidizing Substances

Division 5.2a

Division 5.2a: Organic Peroxides

Division 5.2b

Division 5.2b: Organic Peroxides

Division 5.2ba

Division 5.2ba: Organic Peroxides

Refer to:

    • Local Regulations
    • Australian Dangerous Goods (ADG) Code or IMDG Code or IATA
    • AS 1216: Class labels for dangerous goods
    • AS 4326: The storage and handling of oxidizing agents
    • AS 2714: The storage and handling of organic peroxides
    • Purchase the Australian Standards
    • Safety Data Sheets


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