AIDGC Consultant Member

AIDGC Consultant Member

The aim of AIDGC Consultant Membership is to provide a process of assessment in chosen dangerous goods classes showing recognition of the knowledge and experience of a dangerous goods consultant and thereby enhancing their career and importantly to provide accessibility to the general public requiring such relevant expertise.

AIDGC Consultant Member Benefits & Conditions

    • Full Consulting Members are AIDGC assessed dangerous goods consultants.
    • Full Consulting Members are displayed on the AIDGC website interactive database and map, accessible to the public and potential clients.
    • The AIDGC member can also display the AIDGC logo on their letterhead as long as it is always accompanied by their Member Number.
    • However, it must be emphasised that meeting the minimum criteria for AIDGC membership is not necessarily a formal endorsement by the AIDGC of your competence to offer advice in dangerous goods matters.
    • Full Consulting Members must adhere to Ethical requirements of the AIDGC
    • Full Consulting Members must adhere to Continuing Professional Development requirements of the AIDGC.
    • Full Consulting Members in addition receive all the benefits of Associate Members.

Process To Become a AIDGC Consultant Member

    • You will first need to be approved as an AIDGC Associate Member.
    • You will then need to complete the application form stating the Dangerous Goods categories that you would like to be assessed for.
    • You will then need to pay the appropriate fees as per the AIDGC schedule of membership fees.
    • The assessor will then contact you regarding requirements for assessment.

AIDGC Competency Assessment Information

The condition for full membership of the Institute is to achieve a pass standard at a competency assessment convened by the Institute.

Members may undertake the competency assessment in one or more categories of dangerous goods. The categories of dangerous goods comprise:

A – Regulations & Risk AssessmentAll candidates must undertake Part A Assessment on regulations and risk assessment (Only Once) Untick if previously assessed$150.00
B – Group 1LPG & Class 2$100.00
C – Group 2Class 3 & 4$100.00
D – Group 3Class 5.1 & 5.2$50.00
E – Group 4Class 6.1, Class 8 & Class 9$50.00
F – Group 5Transport$100.00

The system whereby Associate Members upgrade to Full Membership involves successfully completing tasks aimed at satisfying the following assessment criteria:

Demonstrating that the candidate can legitimately claim competence through relevant experience and qualifications (if any) in matters for which they will be listed as a source of advice for the categories of dangerous goods described on the AIDGC consultant’s page – this is assessed from the candidates CV/personal profile Attaining an acceptable standard in an open-book (button)supervised assessment test (question/answer) Achieving an acceptable standard for a take-home assignment involving a review of an appropriate dangerous goods storage or transport proposal.

Successful completion of the competency assessment, together with satisfying the membership panel that you have an appropriate background to support your claim for competence (gained through a combination of relevant experience and formal or informal education and/or training) in the storage and handling of those classes of dangerous goods for which you are seeking listing in the membership register, will entitle a candidate to be considered for the grade of full Member of the Institute. Prospective members must make a formal commitment to be bound by the Rules and Bylaws of the Institute (button) and to maintain levels of competence through on-going continual professional development prior to the Board of the AIDGC granting full consultant membership.

Assessment Tasks

    • The assessment tasks are all open book (there are 2: – one task is a supervised open book question paper, convened at a time and place of the candidates choosing, by a person they nominate who meets our simple criteria – essentially someone with a trade or tertiary qualification, not a family member, nor someone in a beneficial relationship with the candidate – the other task is a take-home assignment they are to complete at their own pace and for which any resource may be used) –the details of your nominated supervisor must be emailed when you are ready to proceed with the assessment.
    • The supervised assessment test includes questions on the relevant legislation – basing your answers on either NSW legislation or that of any other Australian jurisdiction (please nominate which it is to be), as well as questions requiring knowledge of the standards and ADG Code that are generic nationally.


PO Box 461 Crows Nest NSW 1585

1300 205 518

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